Veðurdísin hefur fengið nýtt útlit. Gamla útlitið fór gífurlega í taugarnar á mér. Allt of lík Bratz dúkkunum sem tröllríða leikfangamarkaðnum um þessar mundir. Þeir sem ekki vita hvað Bratz dúkkur eru ættu að þakka æðri máttarvöldum fyrir það. Ég fæ bara hroll.
Íslenskur stíll
Var bara ekki að gera sig. Ömurlegri efni hef ég aldrei fyrr séð og mun vonandi aldrei sjá aftur. Þetta var allt stílað á sömu týpuna en ekki úr öllum áttum eins og venjulega.
You are the Marquis Da Sade. Even stripped of
exaggerations, Your real life was as dramatic
and as tragic as a cautionary tale. Born to an
ancient and noble house, you were married
(against your wishes) to a middle-class heiress
for money, caused scandals with prostitutes and
with your sister-in-law, thus enraging your
mother-in-law, who had you imprisoned under a
lettre de cachet for 14 years until the
Revolution freed you. Amphibian, protean,
charming, you became a Revolutionary,
miraculously escaping the guillotine during the
Terror, only to be arrested later for
publishing your erotic novels. You spent your
final 12 years in the insane asylum at
Charenton, where you caused another scandal by
directing plays using inmates and professional
actors. You died there in 1814, virtually in
the arms of your teenage mistress.
You are a revolutionary deviant. I applaud you.
Which Imfamous criminal are you?
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..þá veit ég það!
Ég geri mér fullkomlega grein fyrir því hvað tónlistarsmekkur minn er furðulegur. Bara svona að láta vita.
laugardagur, apríl 26, 2003
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